Addison Holste

About Me

Addison Holste currently attends the Effingham High School as a senior. She enjoys participating on the basketball and competitive cheer teams as well as dancing with her friends and teammates competitively. She spends her time outside of school and sports working at Wild Rose downtown styling, modeling, and consulting. In addition to being a member of CEO, Addison has been an active member of pep club for 4 years, National Honor Society for two years including her elected position as public relations officer. Addison plans to cheer in college as well as finding a good group to keep her accountable in her faith and values in college. She plans to study marketing at a 4 year university to attain a degree and hopefully someday open her own business or pursue her dream of cosmetology.

"Never take a single moment for granted, these are the good old days we will talk about for the rest of our lives." 

About My Business

Addison's Boosted Blends provides a sugar free alternative for an energy drink or coffee. The loaded teas I provide contain caffeine without the crash or jittery feeling typically associated with name brand energy drinks. Great for a tasty drink throughout the day, busy day at work, or going to the gym! Experience the clean steady energy in a resealable, spill proof bottle. To order, it's as simple as going to my website You can also message Addison on Facebook through Addison's Boosted Blends or on Instagram at boostedblends2024!






DISC Characteristics

  • Decisive | Preference for problem solving and getting results
  • Interactive | Preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
  • Stability | Preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
  • Cautious | Preference for procedures, standards and protocols